Henry TREFETHEN 0009
(about 1680 - between 1763 and 1769)[Source 147]
Married to Mary Robinson10028 & Deborah Jordan10029 (Randall Wallis)

Parents: Henry TREFETHEN of New Castle0001a (about 1640 - 1698 or 1699) with Joanna Foster (???)
I found the following, which I shall quote in full, in the published set of the early deeds of York County. I can’t say how it is that I never saw it before. I assume that an adult Henry TREFETHEN, in 1735, with a "Father Robertson"is not referring to Robinson TREFETHEN, but instead to his father-in-law, James Robinson. Therefore, this would be a deed of Henry TREFETHEN 0009 of Newcastle, husband of Mary Robinson.
It also means that Mary (Robinson) TREFETHEN, who signed the deed, was living as late as 27 November 1735. So, we can now fix her death as taking place after November 1735, but before 1746.

YCD, 17:250 This Indenture made the twenty seventh Day of November Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred & thirty five & in the eighth Year of our sovereign Lord George ye Second by the Grace of God of great Britain France & Ireland King Defendr of ye faith &c between Henry TREFETHEN of New Castle in the Province of New Hampshr Shipwright on ye one Part & Thomas Sevey & Ebenezer Sevey both of Scarborough in the County of York in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay of ye other Part [Husbandmen] Witnesseth that the said Henry TREFETHEN for & in Consideration of the Sum of one hundred & fifty Pounds in Province Bills of Credit to him in Hand paid at the Sealing & delivery hereof by the sd Thomas Sevey & Ebeneza the Receipt whereof ye sd Henry TREFETHEN do hereby Acknowledge & thereof & of every Part & Parcel thereof doth acquit exonerate & discharge the said Thomas & Ebenezr Sevey their Heirs Execrs & Adminrs & every of them by these Presents Hath given granted bargained sold aliened conveyed & confirmed & doth hereby give grant bargain sell aliene enfeoffe convey make over Assign assure & confirm unto the said Thomas and Ebenezer Sevey each one a Moiety or half & to each of their Heirs & Assigns forever in severalty all Right Title Interest Claim property Challenge or Demand which the said Henry TREFETHEN hath unto any Land or Lands lying or being in the Township of Scarborough & Biddeford both of the County of York aforesd aforesd [sic] with all ye profits & appurces thereunto belonging TO have and to hold & peacably & quietly to enjoy the sd Land or Lands with all the Profits Priviledges & Advantages thereunto Appertaining to the said Thomas & Ebenezer Sevy each one a half in severalty & to their & each of their Heirs & Assigns forever as fully as the sd Henry TREFETHEN holds it for them by virtue of his Father Robertson & further the sd Henry TREFETHEN doth hereby promise and engage to the sd Thomas & Ebenezr Sevy & to each of their Heirs & Assigns that he will Warrant the Premises against all Persons Claiming or Challenging the same by from or under him the sd Henry TREFETHEN forever & further Dame Mary the Wife of the Said Henry TREFETHEN doth hereby Surrender all her Right of Dower in the Premisses to the sd Thomas & Ebenezr Sevey their Heirs & Assigns forever. In Testimony whereof the sd Henry & Mary TREFETHEN have hereunto set their Hands & Seals the Day & Year above written. The Words (Husbandman & sd) were Interlind before Signing & Sealing.
Henry TREFETHEN his mark "X" Mary TREFETHEN her mark "X"
Signed Sealed & Delivd in ye Presence of Nathan White[,] Joseph Newmarch Pro: New Hampshr New Castle Novr 27, 1735, Henry TREFETHEN & Mary his Wife Personally appeared & Acknowledgd the above Instrumt to be their free Act & Deed, before Joseph Simpson J. Peace
A true Copy of ye Origl Recd Decr 2, 1735. Attt Jer. Moulton, Regr.
  • 11. TREFETHEN, Jessie B.- Correspondence, Peaks Island, Portland, Maine. Author of “Trefethen: the family and the landing
  • 18. Direct contact with subject, family or descendant
  • First-hand information as remembered by Joan Kelly, Monday, February 9, 2015.
  • 32. Rye, New Hampshire town records (1726 - 1845), Vol. 1; Leigh Johnston, Town Clerk, Aug. 1975
  • 29. SALEM NEW HAMPSHIRE, HISTORY OF, Edgar Gilbert, A.B. Rumford Printing Co., Concord, New Hampshire; 1907
  • 35. LANGLEY, Eileen E.
  • 38. TREFETHEN, Donald Perry- Correspondence
  • 42. Maine, Genealogy & Family History Of the State of, George Thomas Little, A.M., Litt. D. Vol. IV; Lewis Historical Pub. Co., N.Y.- 1909
  • 129. BAILEY, Glenn R.- His references are marked as follows:
  • 140. Norma TREFETHEN KARRAM Deceased 01 July 2007. This Source is the same as Source 156.
  • 147. The “TREFETHEN Roundtable“., a group of learned correspondents who have been dilegently hashing over tons of material to piece together these puzzles. Corresponding via e-mail, their debates, questions and solutions are being recorded as a unique new reference. To find out more, e-mail Andrew by clicking here. Sadly, the Trefethen Roundtable is no more. If you are interested in participating, let Andrew know at andrewtrefethen@gmail.com
  • WikiTree profile Trefethen-2 created through the import of Tom.ged on Jun 1, 2011 by Tom Elliott. See the Changes page for the details of edits by Tom and others.

    Updated 10 September 2022 by Andrew Trefethen